Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager helps make tag management simple, easy and reliable by allowing marketers and webmasters to deploy website tags all in one place.

This feature is currently avaliable on SmartSurvey Enterprise plans.

How do I connect SmartSurvey to GTM?

  1. Log in to your SmartSurvey account.
  2. Navigate to My Surveys
  3. Hover the mouse over an existing survey and click the Settings tool icon
  4. Navigate to Integrations
  5. If you do not already have a GTM container, create an account here
  6. Copy the ID (GTM-XXXXXXX) of the container into the Google Tag Manager field in SmartSurvey
  7. Click Save Changes

Submitted containers with this ID will now be applied to each page of the selected survey.

See also: Google Analytics

Variable hooks for GTM

The following variables appear on SmartSurvey survey pages and can be used as a Javascript Variable within GTM:

  • (the id number of the survey)
  • surveyData.cid (the id number for the tracking link the respondent arrived from)
  • surveyData.tid (the id number for the translation being viewed by the respondent)
  • surveyData.uid (the id number generated for the current respondent)
  • surveyData.anon (TRUE or FALSE if survey anonymisation has been enabled)
  • surveyData.url (will show the page path of the survey eg. /s/survey-name)
  • surveyData.rtl (TRUE or FALSE if the language displayed is read right to left rather than left to right)
  • surveyData.language (will show the language of the survey eg. English)
  • surveyData.title (will show the survey title eg. Contact Form)
  • surveyData.currPage (will show the page number the respondent is currently on)
  • surveyData.isOffline (TRUE or FALSE if the survey is being viewed in offline mode)
  • surveyData.isPreview (TRUE or FALSE if the survey is being viewed in preview mode)

The following variables are allocated to each question within the survey:

  • data-id (the id for the question)


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