To achieve WCAG compliance for headings (Info and relationships 1.3.1), always include a page title for each individual page of your survey.
What are headings?
Headings <H1> to <H6> provide structure to web content. Users who rely on assistive technologies such as screen reader users can navigate content quickly using headings.
Headings can also enhance SEO.
SmartSurvey surveys use a heading for the page title. If a heading isn’t provided this will appear as an empty heading.
This this is unlikely to be a barrier for users though it is a minor issue.
To achieve WCAG compliance for headings (Info and relationships 1.3.1), always include a page title.
Adding a page title / heading
- In the Survey Design page of your survey, locate the page you want to edit.
- In the Page Options menu for the page, click Edit Page.
- Add a page title. This will also appear as a heading.
- Click the green Save Page button to save your changes.
- Repeat for every page of your survey.
Figure 1 Page title field

Figure 2 Headings highlighted using the web developer toolbar.
Tips for page titles / headings in SmartSurvey
- Each page title and heading should be unique.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1 compliance
1.3.1 Info and relationships (Level A)
Headings WAI tutorial