You can force users to provide an answer to a question. This avoids a situation where the respondent can submit a blank response or skip the question. The only exception to this would be if you use Skip Logic within your survey and the rule you set as part of that means a respondent "Skips" the page that this question is contained upon.
Marking a Question as Mandatory
There are two ways of setting a question to require an answer:
- By checking the Required checkbox located to the top right of each question.

- Within the Add Question or Edit Question popup, using the toggle below the answer options.

When a question is marked as mandatory in question editor, you can customise the message that will appear when an answer is not provided.
In the live survey, all of the Required questions will have an asterisk, or the word "required" (depending on Theme) next to the question text. Test this by clicking the Preview Survey button and navigating to the question you edited.
Mandatory Questions With Default Answers
If you have set up a default answer to a question, remember that the respondent will be able to proceed even if they don't change the default selection. The Required checkbox will only prevent them from proceeding if no answer(s) have been supplied.