Field Mapping for CRM Integrations

The intention of this page is to give some extra information and guidance about field mapping in the new integrations system. as such, it should be applicable to any connected CRM-style integration.

The feature is currently in beta and may change without notice. We do endeavour to keep it up to date though this isn't always possible. If what you're trying to do isn't covered by this guide, or it is, but the information in it is incorrect, raise a support ticket.

The Field Mapping page will appear once you click "Next Step" on the main integration configuration page.

The Field Mapping page displays all the fields in the targeted object down the left, with boxes to the right for your mapping settings for each field.

To map a field, click in its box to see the mapping options. There are two main options, Variables and Formulas, displayed as tabs on the mapping pop-up. Each tab has several options to choose from.


The Variables tab allows you to map specific variables directly to the object field.

  • Questions: The answers to the questions on the survey
  • Respondent Details: Various information about the specific respondent, such as response time, IP Address (if the survey is not anonymous), and selcted language.
  • Survey Details: Details about the survey such as its name or nickname.
  • Custom Variables: Any Custom Variables associated with the survey
  • Contact Info: Information from the Contact List.


The Formulas Tab allows you to choose or create functions to modify variables before they are pushed to the object. The bulk of the list are ready-made functions that cover commonly-used transformations such as extracting first or last name, or getting the domain out of an email address, or combining strings. These actions can be stacked so a field can be mapped to a formula that uses as a variable that the outpout of a formula. The below list is not exhaustive, and not all may be available for all question types or destinatrion field types, but includes some of the most commonly-used ones. Most of them are fairly self-explanatory.

  • Extract First Name
  • Extract Last Name
  • Combine Strings
  • Mapped Value
  • Conditional Value
  • Copy Value from another Field
  • Find App Record ID
  • Find External RecordID
  • First Not Empty
  • Domain From Email
  • Merge Objects
  • Iterate over a list
  • Jsonata Expression

Applying the Mapping

To map your survey, simply work your way through the listed fields and map them in turn. Your progress is saved at every point that you make a change, so there is no "Save Changes" button. Once you've mapped everything you want, then simply close the field mapping screen by clicking the X icon in the upper-right.

Mapping Multiple-Choice, Single-Answer "Picklists".

To map a survey response for a multiple-choice, single answer question to a similar field in the target CRM, you can't simply map the question output directly to the field as shown above. Instead you'll need to use a "mapped value" formula.

  • Add the field you want to map and click in the box.
  • Choose the "Formula" tab, and then "Mapped Value" from the formula type list
  • Click in the the "Source Value" box,  and choose the Variable (x) tab and then navigate to your question.
  • When you've selected the question, all the possible answers to that question will be listed on the left hand side of the pop-up. You can then click in the boxes on the right of the arrows - and each will open up the possible options in the CRM. So, for each option in the survey question, you just need to choose a corresponding option in the CRM.
  • Click "Save and Close" to finish mapping your question.

An example is shown below, where a question with four possible values (a, b, c, and d) has been mapped to a list in a Salesforce sandbox with the same options.

Mapping Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answer "Picklists".

To map a survey response for a multiple-choice, multiple answer question to a similar field in the target CRM, you can't use the "single answer" method above, or direct field mapping. What you'll need to do is use multiple conditional value formulas. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Add the field you want to map to the field mapping page for your integration.
  2. This should be added to the page and appear as a box with the field name in it, and underneath it a small button that will read "Add <field name> item".
  3. Click the "Add item" button a white field mapping box will appear.
  4. Click in the the field mapping box and then select the Formula tab. and then Conditional Value.
  5. On the Conditonal Value dialogue, click "Add Case"
  6. Click in the box next to "Case1", you should be shown a list of the possible options for the picklist. Pick the first item in the list.
  7. Then click in the box that says "Value"
  8. Select Questions, then your chosen question, then the option that says "Answers, object with X properties".
  9. You should see a list of all the possible answers to the question, and underneath each one will be the word "boolean". Choose the option that matches the item you put in the "Case 1" box.
  10. Then click in the box to the right of your answer option and choose "is".
  11. Then click in the box to the right of "is" and choose "Yes".
  12. Click "Save and Close" to finish mapping this item.
  13. You will then need to repeat steps 3-12 for every item in the picklist.

An example is shown below, where another question with four possible values (a, b, c, and d) has been mapped to a list in a Salesforce sandbox with the same options.

Example Item "Picklist MS" mapped. This list has 4 items, so 4 conditional values were created.

Example of one of the individual items having been mapped, this being the first one. Case 1 Shows the field option "a", and then below it we see the condition, that the setting for Question 12 option a has to be "yes".

Editing Field Mapping

After an integration is set up, you can return and edit your mapping settings by clickong on the "options" button for the integration and choosing "Field Mapping"

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