Carry Forward Responses allows you to pass choices from a one question to become options in another question later in the survey.
We call the first question a "Sender" question, and the later question a "Receiver" question.
You can choose to carry forward the answers that the respondent selected, or the answers that the respondent has not selected.
This lets you seamlessly transition from general inquiries to targeted questions tailored to each respondent, enhancing the relevance and value of your research.
Your sender question might be, "Which departments did you visit in the hospital?" with a list of:
- Accident and Emergency
- Surgery
- Outpatients
You carry forward the responses to this question into another question on a later page: "Were you happy with the service you received from the following?" which will only list the options they selected from the previous question.
Supported Question Types
Sender Questions
- Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer)
- Matrix of Choice (One Answer per Row)
- Matrix of Choice (Multiple Choices per Row)
Receiver Questions
- Multiple Choice (Only One Answer)
- Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer)
- Matrix of Choice (One Answer per Row)
- Matrix of Choice (Multiple Choices per Row)
- Multiple Textboxes
- Ranking
Answer Choices received by a Matrix-Type Question will populate the Row Choices.
How to Set up Carry Forward Responses
- To Start, add the question you want to use as the Sender Question to the survey.
- Next, add your Receiver Question to the survey. Ensure this is on a different page, after the Sender Question.
- Below the area for answer choices is a “Use previous answer choices (carry forward response)” toggle. on the Receiver Question. Toggle On to use Carry Forward Responses.

- With the toggle on, a drop down will appear. select the sender question from which you wish to receive answers.
- Select if you want to Carry Forward the Answer Choices Selected by the Respondent or the Answer Choices Unselected by the Respondent.

- If the sender question is a "Matrix of Choices" question, you will also be asked if you want to "Narrow Based on Column". The means selecting column options you want to be used to determine whether a row is carried forward:

- In the answer choices area, you'll see the Carry Forward Answer Choices applied to the Receiver Question. These will be greyed out as they can't be edited, but you can add additional answer choices if you wish.

You'll see both sender & receiver questions indicated with icons on the survey design page. Also, answer options that are being received from a different question are also marked with an icon. Examples below:
Sender Question Icon |
Receiver Question Icon |
Received Option Icon |
Moving Senders and Recievers
Note that you cannot move a sender question to the same page as or a page after its receiver question.
Similarly, you cannot move a receiver question to the same page or a page before its sender question.