Skip Logic (sometimes referred to as 'branching') allows you to take your respondents through a certain path, depending on the answer they give to a previous question.
For example, you might want to ask the respondent if they own a car. If they answer 'yes', you could ask what type of car. If they answer ‘no’, you could skip to the next set of questions. Towards the bottom of the page there are three illustrated examples of how to apply Skip Logic.
Adding basic Skip Logic to your survey
Before you begin, you must construct your survey so that it has more than one page. Skip logic cannot filter questions within the same page.
Adding basic Skip Logic:
- On the Design page of your survey, next to the first question where logic needs to be applied, click Skip Logic
- Click Add New Rule
- Select the Condition and Choice to determine the criteria for the rule to be applied:
- The Condition is the action that triggers the logic
- The Choice creates a rule that will fire when the selected answer matches the selection in the Choice drop-down menu
- Select the Action and Page to determine how the survey will behave once this rule runs
- The Action determines what will happen
- The Page is the destination that the respondent will be sent to
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a rule for each question you want to apply skip logic to. Select Skip Over Page to choose the question that will be omitted
- Click Save to apply skip logic to your question
Different ways of using basic Skip Logic
Skip Over Page

- Question 1 asks if the respondent owns a car: yes or no
- Question 2 asks the respondent what type of car they own
- If the respondent says that they don't own a car, they should skip Question 2
The rule on Question 1 would be as follows:
- Condition would be Choice Is Not
- Choice would be Yes
- Action would be Skip Over Page
- Page would be the name you had set for page 2, such as Car Type
Jump To

- Question 1 asks if the respondent owns a car: yes or no
- Page 2 and 3 contain questions relating to the car
- Page 4 proceeds to the next section of the survey
- If the respondent says that they don't own a car, they should jump to Page 4
The rule on Question 1 would be as follows:
- Condition would be Choice Is
- Choice would be No
- Action would be Jump to Page
- Page would be the name you had set for Page 4, such as Do you cycle
Disqualify Respondent

- Question 1 asks if the respondent owns a car: yes or no
- The rest of the survey contains questions relating to owning a car
- If the respondent says that they don't own a car, they should be sent to the Disqualified Page
The rule on Question 1 would be as follows:
- Condition would be Choice Is
- Choice would be No
- Action would be Disqualify Respondent