Providing Headings in Survey Pages

To achieve WCAG compliance for headings (Info and relationships 1.3.1), always include a page title for each individual page of your survey. 

What are headings? 

Headings <H1> to <H6> provide structure to web content. Users who rely on assistive technologies such as screen reader users can navigate content quickly using headings. 

Headings can also enhance SEO. 

SmartSurvey surveys use a heading for the page title. If a heading isn’t provided this will appear as an empty heading.  

This this is unlikely to be a barrier for users though it is a minor issue.  

To achieve WCAG compliance for headings (Info and relationships 1.3.1), always include a page title. 

Adding a page title / heading 

  1. In the Survey Design page of your survey, locate the page you want to edit. 
  2. In the Page Options menu for the page, click Edit Page. 
  3. Add a page title. This will also appear as a heading. 
  4. Click the green Save Page button to save your changes. 
  5. Repeat for every page of your survey. 

Screenshot of survey edit screen. The page title field is highlighted. Figure 1 Page title field 

Screenshot of survey page with survey page title highlighted.

Figure 2 Headings highlighted using the web developer toolbar. 

Tips for page titles / headings in SmartSurvey 

  • Each page title and heading should be unique. 

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1 compliance 

1.3.1 Info and relationships (Level A) 


Headings WAI tutorial

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