Adding a help icon to a question or answer option

By adding a little code to survey content, it’s possible to add mouse-over help or information icons to your survey.

These will show pop-out text when the mouse pointer is rolled over it, so it's sometimes also known as roll-over text.

NOTE: This requires direct editing of HTML source code. If you are not already familiar with direct editing of HTML, we do not recommend doing this. We do not offer support to users with direct HTML editing or the consequences of any errors caused by such editing.

This might be appropriate where you want to add some extra optional context to show to respondents without them having to click anything, such as the one at the end of this sentence .

Adding the Tag

To do this, you simply have to add a short snippet of HTML to the survey in the place you want the icon to appear.

<span title="HELP_TEXT_GOES_HERE">ⓘ</span>

Just replace HELP_TEXT_GOES_HERE with the text you want to be displayed when the icon is interacted with.

To add the code, select the “<>” (Source Code) button from the bar above the question text or answer option you want to add the icon to, then in the box that opens up with the code, find the place you wan tto put the icon, and paste in the help text code above.


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