Because not all team account owners might want their sub-users to be able to link their accounts to external authentication such as Google, there are some tools and settings for master users / parent accounts related to this.
- Parent accounts can prevent sub-users linking to external providers. In the process of disabling it, it will unlink any that have already been configured. This feature is accessed via the User Management Settings (a button to the right of the search users box on the "users" screen). The default setting is "On", allowing users to link. Change this toggle to "off" to prevent su-users from linking.

- Parent accounts can see from the user overview page any accounts that a sub-user has linked. Clicking on “Linked Accounts” and the page will appear (the same as for the user's own account) and list any that are connected, with the ability to unlink them manually.
- Changing the email address for a sub-user's account will automatically unlink any existing external accounts for that sub-user.
Account Linking and SSO
Account linking is mostly not compatible with Single Sign-On.
- A parent / master user can have a linked account as well as having SSO configured.
- Sub-users on accounts where the master user has SSO configued cannot link accounts.
- When enabling SSO, a warning will show if any sub user has linked accounts, as enabling SSO will immediately disconnect any existing accounts.