GDPR – Complying with requests from respondents

Important- this article does not constitute legal advice. You should ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities regarding personal data at all times while using SmartSurvey.

If you’re collecting personal information from respondents, then you may need to allow your respondents some means to exercise their rights to deletion, rectification, or access.

GDPR defines two classes of entities for handling data - Data Controllers, and Data Processors. SmartSurvey is the Data Controller for the data it holds about users. It is the Data Processor for the data collected about respondents by users. Users are the Data Controllers for the data about respondents collected by users.

When you receive a request, you will need the respondent's email address. It's best to get as much information as possible from the respondent as to which survey they are referring to. 

To start with, go to the address book, and search for the respondent in each contact list you have. If the respondent is in the list, then simply click the red cross to remove them. You’ll need to repeat this for every list in which the respondent appears.

While in the contact list, it’s a good idea at this stage to click “invitations”, to see which surveys the respondent was been invited to complete. If the respondent themselves knows which surveys they responded to, this will help a lot. We do not currently have a feature to show all responses from a given respondent across multiple surveys.

If a respondent has responded to multiple surveys, you will need to do the following step for every survey the user has responded to.

The simplest way to find a response from a given contact is to use a filter, and filter using contact list data. This should return the response (or multiple responses if appropriate) which can be clicked through to and deleted. This will delete the response, and any files uploaded as part of the response. In the case of an access request rather than deletion, export the response by clicking “send to word”.

You can also edit a response to comply with a rectification request.

For surveys distributed by other means than email, that still collected personal data, you may need to do a response keyword search (select ​the survey, click results, then "more", and choose "search" from the drop-down.)

This can only be done for a single survey at a time.


Follow the above steps to remove the mobile telephone number from your address books and contact lists in the SmartSurvey app, however you will need to raise a ticket in your SmartSurvey account confirming the mobile number you wish to be erased.

We will contact our SMS provider to ensure the data is removed from their systems.

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