Downgrading and Cancelling

NOTE: This guide is now deprecated. if you have ended up here, something has gone wrong and you should head to this linked guide instead:


If you’ve decided to leave SmartSurvey or downgrade your account, we're sorry to see you go but the process is very simple. Before you go, please contact us if we can help with any specific problems you’re having.

Downgrading Your SmartSurvey Account

Downgrading your account removes any increased capacity and additional features you’ve paid for. Your account will revert to a free account until you decide to upgrade again.

When you downgrade from a paid subscription to a free account, your data will be retained. However, you won’t be able to use any of the features of a paid account until you reactivate your subscription

Log into your account, and you’ll be taken to your Dashboard. Alternatively, you can jump directly to the Dashboard via

  1. On the Account drop down menu in the black navigation bar, select My Account
  2. Under My Account, click Downgrade Account
  3. If you wish to proceed, click the Downgrade Account button

You’ll be asked to confirm your choice before your account is downgraded. You will retain access your paid plan features until the date your next payment would have been due.

Please note: Our pricing and plans were revised on the 14th of August, 2019. Accounts that were upgraded before that date and which have not been downgraded since are on plans known as Legacy Plans. If you downgrade an account on a Legacy Plan, the next time you upgrade you will need to choose from the new plans and pricing.
If you plan on doing this, we recommend reviewing our pricing and features pages so you can check the changes and make the best decision for your needs.

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