To remove a user's access to an account managed as part of a team account, the account will need to be either disabled, or re-assigned to another person.
Both these actions are performed by editing the user details, which are accessed via these steps:
Re-Assigning an Account
To reassign the account to someone else, follow these steps:
- In the Accounts drop down menu, select User Management
- Click on the grey cog wheel under Settings next to the user name you want to change details for
- The section is navigated by a menu on the left, split into two sections: Manage User and User Data
- In the Manage User area, click Change Email
- On the screen that follows, you can assign a new email address to the account. You will be asked to confirm your account password.
- Once this is done, you can click "Change Password" to manually assign a password to the account. Alternatively, you can inform the new user that they can now log in using their email address and using the "lost password" process to reset the password on the account to something you don't know.

Note for Users on SSO - before changing the account email address, you need to give access to the new account's email address in your Identity Provider Software.
Disabling an Account
To disable the account, follow these steps:
- In the Accounts drop down menu, select User Management
- Click on the grey cog wheel under Settings next to the user name you want to change details for
- The section is navigated by a menu on the left, split into two sections: Manage User and User Data
- Click Overview on the Mangage User Page to see all the relevant information about the user.
- On this secton, click Edit User Details (Upper right) to edit the user’s details
- Change the account status (Under the Avatar) to Disabled

Deleting an Account
Accounts that are part of a team cannot be deleted by users, because accounts have to be downgraded to a "basic" account before they can be deleted, and accounts in a team account cannot be downgraded seperately. If you have specific needs regarding removal of an account that is part of your team that cannot be dealt with by it being disabled and / or reassigned, then contact support.