If you transfer or copy a survey to another user, then that user can edit the shared surveys without restriction.
If you want more control about what different users can do with a survey, setting up different permissions would allow you to control what the sub-users can access.
Setting Survey Permissions
To set survey permissions:
- In the Account drop down menu in the black navigation bar, select User Management
- Click the Settings Icon (Cog) next to the user to which you want to give permissions.
- Under Manage User, select Permissions.
- Click Add Permissions.
- Under Account, use the drop down menu to choose the user account that currently owns the survey for which you wish to share permissions.
- Under Survey, select the survey you wish to edit.
- Under Select Permissions, check the boxes against the sections/features you wish to allow the user to access. Unchecked boxes mean the new user cannot access that section/feature.
- Click Save Changes.
The shared surveys will now appear on the My Surveys page of the sub- user.
In addition, any survey permissions shared with the target user will now be listed on the Manage User - Permissions page, where they can be reviewed and edited.