Respondents Unsubscribing From Contact Lists

When respondents are sent invitations via the email tool, an opt-out link (also known as an unsubscribe link) is included in the invitation.

When the respondent clicks the link, they will be taken to a page asking for a further click as a confirmation.

If they confirm, the respondent will be unsubscribed from the contact list to which the invitation they received was sent.

Important: They will not be automatically unsubscribed from any other contact lists that they are already subscribed to.

After a respondent is unsubscribed from a list, they cannot be re-subscribed to it, nor can they be added to any other lists. It is therefore important that you clearly communicate your basis for sending them the invitation in your invitation message.

Because each SmartSurvey Customer Account is considered to be a data controller under GDPR, unsubscribes are handled on a per-Customer basis so a respondent unsubscribing from one Customer won't stop them receiving survey invitations from another Customer.

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