Device Management

To ensure your account is secure and only accessible by you as the named user, you will need to add your device to your account. 

By only allowing access from your verified devices, you gain peace of mind that the following scenarios will be much less likely without a user having access to your email address. 

  • An unknown user gaining access to your account with shared login credentials
  • Changes being made to your account or surveys without you knowing e.g surveys being edited or deleted
  • Data being exported from your account without an audit trail could result in a fine due to breach of GDPR. Our guidance would be that the named user was in sole control of the account at all times. 

A reminder that our terms of use states that your SmartSurvey account is for use by one named user only. The terms of use are in place to protect you and your business in the event of any data breaches. 

For more information on how we work together to keep your account secure see here

If you wish to update your user requirements please contact your Account Owner. If you don't know who this is, please log in to SmartSurvey and go to the support section where you can contact your Account Owner directly. 

Adding your device(s)

Adding your device to your account is easy, all you need to do is click on the verification link that you'll receive by email automatically when you login:

By clicking on the verification link, it confirms that you are the named user and have access to the email address on your account. 

Once clicked, you'll see your device has been added to your account successfully. The next time you log in from the same device, you won't need to complete this step. 

You can add up to 2 devices to your account, taking into consideration some users will use a combination of work and personal devices to access SmartSurvey.

Switching devices

We appreciate you may need to add new devices to your account over time as you may need to change devices or start using new devices.

Considering this, you'll be able to switch device on your account up to 10 times per year, giving you the flexibility to retain access to your account if you change device. 

To change your device, you'll first need to verify that you have access to the account to add the new device following the same journey as before.

You'll then see an additional step below, whereby you'll need to remove one of the existing devices on the account to stay within the 2 device limit. 

Once you've removed a device you'll be able to continue to your account as normal. 

Device switching limit

As mentioned above, you'll be able to switch your device up to 10 times per year.

Each time you switch a device you'll see the number of devices switches used increase as well as an option to add more users to your account, which will either direct you to change your plan, contact your account owner or speak to our team. 

Once you've switched your device 10 times, you won't be able to log in from a new device. You can either log in from an existing verified device or if that's not possible, reply to the email you will receive from our support team to discuss your options. 

Managing devices

You can see which devices you've added to your account at any time via the Manage Devices page within the My Account section.

On this page you can see your current devices, edit the name of the devices and see how many times you've switched your device. 


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