What are Basic Statisics?

Basic Statistics allows you to calculate statistics based on the answers your respondents have provided. Seven different figures are provided in the Analysis table.

It's important to note the values can mean different things depending on the question type.

  • For Multiple Choice questions, it looks at the response options as a numbered list.- if you have four options, then the first one is assigned the value "1", the second one "2", etc. These selection values are then used to calcuate the measures below. For Matrix questions this als also calculated across all the rows. It's important to note that if you have differing numbers as the option text, (For example, the first option is 10, the second is 20, and so on) then this is not taken into account. The returned measures are based on the positions of the options in the list, not their text or scoring values.
  • For Slider Scale questions, it is directly calculated based on the values in the responses.
  • For Free-text questions, Even those that are validated as numbers only, nothing will be calculated.
Mean This is the "Average" value of the data. 
Std. Deviation This is a measure of the spread of the data - how widely or narrowly the collected values are distrubuted. A large number means a wide spread of data. Because of the calculation used, it's less affected by small numbers of outlying values at the ends of the data set so is often preferred as a measure of data spread to a simple calculation of "Range" (which is Maximum - Minimum).
Satisfaction Rate The satisfaction rate as a percentage. Click here for more details on the calculation of satisfaction rates. This is only shown on some question types.
Variance Like Standard Deviation, this is a measure of data spread. In fact, it's the square of the Standard Devation.
Std. Error A measure of how accurately your calculated mean (based on a sample) reflects the true mean of the population. The smaller this number is, the more accurate your mean.
Minimum The lowest value recorded in any response.
Maximum The highest value recorded in any response.

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